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Introduction to Python
Introduction to Python
Course Overview and Syllabus (3:51)
Chapter I. Getting Started with Python and Jupyter
Getting Started with Python and Jupyter (14:47)
Chapter II. Variables, Functions and Basic Syntax
Basic Python Variables (39:54)
Basic Python Functions (22:10)
Chapter III. Control Flow: If/Else, Try/Except and Loops
Control Flow and If/Else Statements (18:41)
Error Trapping and Try/Except Statements (12:19)
While Loops, For Each Loops, and For Loops (24:21)
Chapter IV. Bonus: Multithreading
Multithreading Infinite Loops (16:00)
Chapter V. Classes and Object-Oriented Programming
Creating Custom Classes and Object Types (12:35)
Base Classes and Subclasses (10:48)
Chapter VI. Reading and Writing Files
Reading and Writing Files using Pickle (8:26)
Chapter VII. numpy, pandas, scikit-learn, scipy, and matplotlib
numpy: Linear Algebra and Randomization (22:52)
pandas: Constructing and Querying Datasets (17:35)
scikit-learn and scipy: Modeling and Optimization (23:16)
matlpotlib: Creating Data Visualizations (12:36)
Chapter VIII. ipywidgets and bqplot
ipywidgets: Creating Widgets in Python (16:38)
bqplot: Creating Interactive Visualizations (16:12)
Chapter IX. Retrieving Financial Data using yfinance
yfinance: Getting Financial Data in Python (17:08)
Chapter X. Final Project: Financial Data App
Final Project (65:10)
bqplot: Creating Interactive Visualizations
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